

.Quoted: Andy Warhol

They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. Give it time. One day. Time cures all wounds. We have many ways of saying that passing time will make everything better. But what is really happening? The world is a constantly changing place. Everyone is making different decisions [...]

.Quoted: Andy Warhol2017-04-15T18:58:05-05:00

.Quoted: Helen Keller

Happiness cannot come from without. It must come from within. You hear it all the time: happiness comes from inside you. Not from anything external. That means that although money, buying things, and going on adventures are enjoyable, they won't actually make you happy with yourself. Friends and family add a great deal of [...]

.Quoted: Helen Keller2017-04-15T18:58:05-05:00